Nevada Center for Missing Loved Ones, a non-profit organization, will help search, locate and reunite, regardless of age, reported missing loved ones with their families.

We will use our resources and volunteers to assist local and national agencies to search, identify and return persons missing with special attention given to the elderly and those suffering from Alzheimer's and Dementia.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Nevada Center for Missing Loved Ones is happy to bring you this exacting news from UNTCHI about a great new tool for searching and linking missing people to unidentified remains.

At the request of George Adams, program manager at the University N. Texas Center for Human Identification, (UNTCHI) I am doing an informational campaign about the launching of NamUs. http://namus.gov/ to law enforcement, coroners and the public here in Nevada.
NamUs is made up of two databases: (1) records of unidentified decedents and (2) missing persons reports. Currently, the unidentified decedent’s database is searchable and available for medical examiners and coroners to upload their cases. The search capability of the missing persons database is in development; the site currently provides resources on State clearinghouses, medical examiners and coroners, law enforcement, victim assistance resources, and legislation.

In 2009, the two databases will be linked. Families, law enforcement agencies, medical examiners and coroners, victim advocates, and the general public will be able to search for matches between missing persons and unidentified decedent records. It is going to be an invaluable tool for identification of unidentified human remains.

DNA Reference Kits

The University of North Texas Health Science Center—funded by the National Institute of Justice—developed two standardized collection kits. One kit provides a safe, effective, noninvasive means for obtaining the appropriate family reference samples. A second kit provides for the collection, transportation, and storage of human remains samples. These kits were developed in conjunction with groups such as the FBI Laboratory, the National Association of Medical Examiners, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, and the National Center for Missing Adults.

As a result of these DNA reference kits, Nevada Center for Missing Loved Ones can now help families process their loved ones DNA and work to determine if they are a match to located unidentified remains.

Frank Mahoney

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